
To change is to be human.  To fear change is also to be human. The website has changed.  Whereas before it was mostly musings, it now is mostly photos.  Although more musings may occur from time to time as well. My own life has changed.  I am departed on a new journey into new medicine…

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That Time I Was Scammed in Vietnam

To celebrate being done my OSCE (Observed Supervised Clinical Exam), here’s a travel story that has nothing at all to do with medical school. The setting was Northern Vietnam, in the last days of July 2014.  I had been on a long trip as part of a sabbatical, a trip that had taken me from…

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The Story of Mr Jennings

(Author’s Note: I’m experimenting with a slightly different style in this post than the past. Let me know in the comments whether you prefer this or my past style.)   There is a lot to be said for travelling alone. Most of my travels have been solitary. Travelling this way teaches you a lot about…

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That Time I Thought There Was a Snake

I am terrified of snakes. This is a simple, irrefutable truth. I would call it a phobia but I don’t think that being afraid of a slithering slimy creature that can either poison you or constrict you until all of your bones are broken is entirely irrational. I’m not telling you this simple, irrefutable truth…

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